Mac Address Database Download

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MAC Address Block Large (MA-L)

This product was previously referred to as an OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) and is still referred to as such in many standards. OUI is an IEEE Registration Authority (RA) specific term that is referred to in various standards and may be used to identify companies on the IEEE Public Listing. A MA-L assignment includes an OUI and the right to generate various extended identifiers based on that OUI. It is most often used to create IEEE 802-defined MAC addresses (EUI-48 and EUI-64).

Mac address database download freeMac Address Database Download

Generate any number of random MAC addresses with multiple options. If you want to lookup MAC address '08:00:69:02:01:FC':, enter first 6 characters '08:00:69', or full MAC address '08:00:69:02:01:FC'. After a long database update pause, updates are back. More changes coming to the Internet's oldest on-line MAC address database in the weeks to come. Search by Organization name or by MAC address using wildcard '%'. Collapse/Expand search fields to gain more display area. Database can be updated online. Export search result to Excel. All data will be saved locally on SD card. (Its rare to find a device without SD card).


Fast and easy MAC address lookup on IEEE directory and Wireshark manufacturer database. Search vendor, manufacturer or organization of a device by MAC/OUI address.


The OUI included in the MA-L assignment may be appended with 24 organization-supplied bits to form a EUI-48 or 40 organization-supplied bits to form an EUI-64.

Mac Address Database Downloads

The included OUI may also be used to generate EUI-60 (deprecated), CDI-32, TCDI-40, MAC-48 (obsolete term), create multicast addresses (per IEEE Std 802), and as a unique root for various context dependent identifiers. It may also be used as a company identifier in those protocols and protocol standards that specify the use of a 3 octet field as a part of the protocol identification mechanism.

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For more information, please see the tutorial “Guidelines for Use of Extended Unique Identifier (EUI), Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), and Company ID (CID)'.

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